2.5. Connecting to all Servers


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2.5. Connecting to all Servers

The final step, once you have optimized the partitioning and the procedure invocations, is to maximize the bandwidth between your client application and the cluster. You can create connections to any of the servers in the cluster and that server will coordinate the processing of your transactions with the other nodes.

Each node in the cluster has its own queue of pending transactions. That node is responsible for:

  • Receiving the transaction request from the client and returning the results upon completion

  • Routing the transaction to the appropriate partition, or initiator, based on the transaction's characteristics.

There is one initiator for each unique partition, and a separate initiator for multi-partition transactions within the cluster. Once the initiator receives the transaction, it is responsible for:

  • Scheduling the transaction with the other nodes in the cluster

  • Distributing the work items for the transaction to the appropriate nodes and partitions and collecting responses when it is time to execute the transaction

Any node in the cluster can receive transaction requests. However, for maximum performance it is best if all nodes do their share. Initiators are automatically distributed around the cluster. But if only one node is interacting with the client application, managing the queue can become a bottleneck and leave the other nodes in the cluster idle while they wait for work items.

This is why the recommendation is for client applications to create connections to as many nodes in the cluster as possible. When there are multiple connections, the Java client interface will direct each transaction to the most appropriate server, avoiding extra "hops" within the cluster as requests are redirected to the corresponding initiator. For other clients that support multiple connections, requests use a round-robin approach to distribute the procedure calls.

By default, the VoltDB sample applications in the /doc/tutorials folder where Volt is installed assume a single server (localhost) and only create a single connection. This makes the examples easy to read and easy to run for anyone who downloads the kit. However, in real world examples your client application should create connections to all of the nodes in the cluster to evenly distribute the work load and avoid network bottlenecks.

The update to the Hello World example demonstrates one method for doing this. Since it is difficult to know in advance what nodes are used in the cluster, the revised application uses an argument on the command line to specify what nodes to connect to. (Avoiding hard-coded server names is also a good practice so you do not have to recode your application if you add or replace servers in the future.)

The first argument on the command line is assumed to be a comma-separated list of server names. This list is converted to an array, which is used to create connections to each node. If there is no command line argument, the default server "localhost" is used. The following is the applicable code from the beginning of the client application. Note that only one client is instantiated but multiple connections are made from that client object.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

      * Expect a comma-separated list of servers.
      * If not, use localhost.
  String serverlist = "localhost";
  if (args.length > 0) { serverlist = args[0]; }
  String[] servers = serverlist.split(",");

      * Instantiate a client and connect to all servers
  org.voltdb.client.Client myApp = ClientFactory.createClient();
  for (String server: servers) { 