4.4. Building and Loading Your Pipeline


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4.4. Building and Loading Your Pipeline

Once you complete the pipeline definition you are ready to build and load the pipeline into your Docker repository. You can use the Maven build file created when you downloaded the sample as a template without any modifications:

$ mvn clean package

Similarly, you can build and load the Docker file using the same commands as before. Be sure you have the defined the environment variable pointing to your Docker repository. Give the docker image a meaningful name. The following example uses mypipe--latest as the image name:

$ export MY_DOCKER_REPO=johnqpublic/projects
$ export MY_VOLT_LICENSE=$HOME/licenses/volt-license.xml
$ docker build                                       \
      --platform="linux/amd64"                       \
      -t ${MY_DOCKER_REPO}:mypipe--latest \
      -f src/main/resources/Dockerfile .
$ docker push ${MY_DOCKER_REPO}:mypipe--latest