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accept(boolean) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2Notification.RequestBackpressure
accept(String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2Notification.ErrorLog
accept(String, int) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2Notification.ConnectionStatus
accept(ClientResponse, String, int) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2Notification.LateResponse
acceptsArray(Class<?>) - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Most VoltTypes are not compatible with an array-typed value.
add(GeographyPointValue) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
add(GeographyPointValue) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
add(GeographyPointValue, double) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
add(VoltTableRow) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Append a row from another VoltTable to this VoltTable instance.
addRow(Object...) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Append a new row to the table using the supplied column values.
addTable(VoltTable) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Add all rows from other into this VoltTable.
addTables(Collection<VoltTable>) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Add all rows from tables into this VoltTable.
addTableWithExtraColumns(VoltTable) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
addTableWithLessColumns(VoltTable) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
advanceRow() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Makes the next row active so calls to getXXX() will return values from the current record.
advanceToRow(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Advance to a specific row so calls to getXXX() will return values from the current record.
AllPartitionProcedureCallback - Interface in org.voltdb.client
Interface for callbacks that are invoked when an asynchronously invoked transaction receives a response.
args() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.SyncCallback
Return the arguments provided with the procedure invocation.
asApproximateJavaDate() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Retrieve a copy of the approximate Java date.
asExactJavaDate() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Retrieve a copy of the Java date for a TimeStamp with millisecond granularity.
asExactJavaSqlDate() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Retrieve a properly typed copy of the Java date for a TimeStamp with millisecond granularity.
asJavaTimestamp() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Retrieve a properly typed copy of the Java Timestamp for the VoltDB TimeStamp.
asScalarLong() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Tables containing a single row and a single integer column can be read using this convenience method.
authenticatedSubject(Subject) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets the authenticated subject to be used for connections to VoltDB.


backpressure(boolean) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt
Called by the client API whenever backpressure starts/stops.
backpressureBarrier() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Blocks the current thread until there is no more backpressure, or there are no more connections to the database
BIGINT - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
8-byte signed 2s-complement long.
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Boolean type.
BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_VOLTDB - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.topics.VoltDBKafkaPartitioner
Configuration for a VoltDB client to connect to VoltDB cluster: comma separated list of the form server[:port]
buildReusableDependenyResult() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
bytesToValue(byte[]) - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Converts a byte array with type back to the original partition value.


callAllPartitionProcedure(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Synchronously execute a stored procedure on a set of partitions, one partition at a time.
callAllPartitionProcedure(AllPartitionProcedureCallback, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Asynchronously execute a stored procedure on a set of partitions, one partition at a time.
callAllPartitionProcedureAsync(Client2CallOptions, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Asynchronously call an all-partition stored procedure.
callAllPartitionProcedureSync(Client2CallOptions, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Synchronously call an all-partition stored procedure.
callProcedure(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Invoke a procedure.
callProcedure(ProcedureCallback, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Asynchronously invoke a procedure.
callProcedureAsync(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Asynchronously call stored procedure.
callProcedureAsync(Client2CallOptions, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Asynchronously call stored procedure with optional overrides for selected values.
callProcedureSync(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Synchronously call stored procedure.
callProcedureSync(Client2CallOptions, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Synchronously call stored procedure with optional overrides for selected values.
callProcedureWithClientTimeout(int, String, long, TimeUnit, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Synchronously invoke a procedure call, blocking until a result is available, with caller-specified client timeout and query timeout.
callProcedureWithClientTimeout(ProcedureCallback, int, String, long, TimeUnit, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Asynchronously invoke a procedure call with specified client and query timeouts.
callProcedureWithTimeout(int, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Invoke a procedure with specified query timeout.
callProcedureWithTimeout(ProcedureCallback, int, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Asynchronously invoke a procedure with specified query timeout.
canExactlyRepresentAnyValueOf(VoltType) - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
CANNOT_UPDATE_CONFIG - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
An attempt to update the configuration failed; no change was made.
checkForResponse() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.SyncCallback
Non-blocking poll method that checks for the response to the invocation associated with this callback.
checkForResponse(long) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.SyncCallback
poll method that checks for the response to the invocation associated with this callback.
classFromByteValue(byte) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Return the java class that is matched to the given value.
classFromType() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Return the java class that is matched to a given VoltType.
clearRowData() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Delete all row data.
Client - Interface in org.voltdb.client
A Client that connects to one or more nodes in a VoltDB cluster and provides methods for invoking stored procedures and receiving responses.
CLIENT_ERROR_TXN_NOT_SENT - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the transaction failed in the client before it was sent to the VoltDB server.
CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the request was timed out in the client before it could be sent to the VoltDB server.
CLIENT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the request was timed out in the client while waiting for a response from the VoltDB server.
Client2 - Interface in org.voltdb.client
Client2 provides the so-called "version 2" client API.
Client2CallOptions - Class in org.voltdb.client
Container for per-call options for a Client2 VoltDB client.
Client2CallOptions() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.Client2CallOptions
The constructor.
Client2Config - Class in org.voltdb.client
Container for configuration settings for a Client2 VoltDB client.
Client2Config() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Constructs a configuration with default values.
Client2Notification - Class in org.voltdb.client
The Client2Notification class defines interfaces for 'notifications' from the client API to the application code.
Client2Notification.ConnectionStatus - Interface in org.voltdb.client
Notification of connection status change.
Client2Notification.ErrorLog - Interface in org.voltdb.client
Error logging interception.
Client2Notification.LateResponse - Interface in org.voltdb.client
Notification of late response from server.
Client2Notification.RequestBackpressure - Interface in org.voltdb.client
Notification of approaching limit on pending requests.
ClientAffinityStats - Class in org.voltdb.client
Collect the client's opinion of the operation of client affinity.
clientCallback(ClientResponse) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.NullCallback
clientCallback(ClientResponse) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ProcedureCallback
Implementation of callback to be provided by client applications.
clientCallback(ClientResponse) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.SyncCallback
clientCallback(ClientResponseWithPartitionKey[]) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.AllPartitionProcedureCallback
Implementation of callback to be provided by client applications.
ClientConfig - Class in org.voltdb.client
Container for configuration settings for a Client
ClientConfig() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configuration for a client with no authentication credentials.
ClientConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configuration for a client that specifies cleartext authentication credentials.
ClientConfig(String, String, boolean, ClientStatusListenerExt) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configuration for a client that specifies authentication credentials, the password being optionally hashed prior to the call.
ClientConfig(String, String, boolean, ClientStatusListenerExt, ClientAuthScheme) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configuration for a client that specifies authentication credentials, the password being optionally hashed prior to the call.
ClientConfig(String, String, ClientStatusListenerExt) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configuration for a client that specifies cleartext authentication credentials.
ClientConfig(String, String, ClientStatusListenerExt, ClientAuthScheme) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configuration for a client that specifies cleartext authentication credentials.
ClientConfig(Subject, ClientStatusListenerExt) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configuration for a client that specifies an already authenticated Subject.
ClientFactory - Class in org.voltdb.client
Factory for constructing instances of the Client interface
ClientFactory() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientFactory
clientRequestBackpressureLevel(int, int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets levels for controlling backpressure notifications.
clientRequestLimit(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets the limit on the number of requests that can be pending in a client at any one time.
ClientResponse - Interface in org.voltdb.client
Interface implemented by the responses that are generated for procedure invocations
ClientResponseWithPartitionKey - Class in org.voltdb.client
Packages up the data to be sent back to the client as a stored procedure response for a partition
ClientResponseWithPartitionKey(Object, ClientResponse, int) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientResponseWithPartitionKey
ClientStats - Class in org.voltdb.client
Essentially a set of counters for a specific context with helper methods.
ClientStatsContext - Class in org.voltdb.client
An object to store and manipulate statistics information from the VoltDB Java client.
ClientStatsUtil - Class in org.voltdb.client
Utility methods for use with ClientStats objects.
ClientStatsUtil() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsUtil
ClientStatusListenerExt - Class in org.voltdb.client
Listener that a client application can provide to a Client in order to receive notifications when certain events occur, such as backpressure or connection issues.
ClientStatusListenerExt() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt
ClientStatusListenerExt.AutoConnectionStatus - Enum Class in org.voltdb.client
Cause of the connection creation failure.
ClientStatusListenerExt.DisconnectCause - Enum Class in org.voltdb.client
Cause of the disconnection event.
clientTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2CallOptions
Sets the client-side timeout for a procedure call.
clone() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientAffinityStats
clone() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
clone() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo
Basically just suppress CloneNotSupportedException.
clone(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Generates a duplicate of a table including the column schema.
cloneRow() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Get a new VoltTableRow instance with identical position as this table.
cloneRow() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Clone a row.
close() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Shut down this Client, closing all network connections and releasing all memory resources.
close() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Shut down client.
close() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.topics.VoltDBKafkaPartitioner
clusterBuildString() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Returns the 'build string' for the most-recently connected VoltDB cluster.
clusterInstanceId() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Returns the 'instance id' for the most-recently connected VoltDB cluster.
ColumnInfo(String, VoltType) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo
Construct an immutable ColumnInfo instance.
compareTo(TimestampType) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
CompareTo - to mimic Java Date
COMPOUND_PROC_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that a compound procedure is taking longer than a sufficiently large timeout.
COMPOUND_PROC_USER_ABORT - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status indicating that a compound procedure was aborted by explicit action of the stored procedure.
configure(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.topics.VoltDBKafkaPartitioner
connectAsync(String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Convenient form of Client2.connectAsync(String,long,long,TimeUnit) that specifies no retry.
connectAsync(String, int) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Convenient form of Client2.connectAsync(String,int,long,long,TimeUnit) that specifies no retry.
connectAsync(String, int, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Connect to specified host on specified port.
connectAsync(String, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Connect to first available server in a specified list of servers, each in host:port form, and separated by commas.
connectedHosts() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Gets a list of currently-connected hosts.
connectFailureHandler(Client2Notification.ConnectionStatus) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Registers a handler for connection-establishment failures.
CONNECTION_CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.DisconnectCause
Connection closed by other side
CONNECTION_LOST - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating the connection to the database that the invocation was queued at was lost before a response was received.
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the request didn't receive a response before the per-client timeout.
connectionCreated(String, int, ClientStatusListenerExt.AutoConnectionStatus) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt
Notify listeners that the client tried to create connection to unconnected nodes upon topology change.
connectionDownHandler(Client2Notification.ConnectionStatus) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Registers a handler for connection-down events.
connectionLost(String, int, int, ClientStatusListenerExt.DisconnectCause) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt
Notify listeners that a connection to a host was lost.
connectionResponseTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets the connection response timeout.
connectionSetupTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets the timeout for connection setup, including authentication to the server.
connectionUpHandler(Client2Notification.ConnectionStatus) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Registers a handler for connection-up events.
connectSync(String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Convenient form of Client2.connectSync(String,long,long,TimeUnit) that specifies no retry.
connectSync(String, int) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Convenient form of Client2.connectSync(String,int,long,long,TimeUnit) that specifies no retry.
connectSync(String, int, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Connect to specified host on specified port.
connectSync(String, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Connect to first available server in a specified list of servers, each in host:port form, and separated by commas.
constructHistogram() - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
convertToHeapBuffer() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
createAnyConnection(String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Create a connection to the first available VoltDB node from a specified list.
createAnyConnection(String, long, long) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Create a connection to the first available VoltDB node from a specified list.
createClient() - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientFactory
Create a Client with no connections and all default options.
createClient(Client2Config) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientFactory
Create a "version 2" client, Client2.
createClient(ClientConfig) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientFactory
Recommended method for creating a Client.
createClientConfig(VoltDBKafkaPartitioner.PartitionConfig) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.topics.VoltDBKafkaPartitioner
Create ClientConfig for client connection to VoltDB cluster
createConnection(String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Create a connection to a VoltDB node, and add it to the set of connections.
createConnection(String, int) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Create a connection to a VoltDB node, and add it to the set of connections.
createStatsContext() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Get a ClientStatsContext instance to fetch and process performance statistics.
createStatsContext() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Statistics support: returns a statistics context associated with this client.
currentRequestCount() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Returns an estimate of the number of requests queued (via callProcedure) but not yet completed.


DECIMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Fixed precision=38, scale=12 storing sign and null-status in a preceding byte
decodeValue(ByteBuffer) - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Decode a on object of this type from buffer
DEFAULT_CLIENT_REQUEST_HARD_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_CLIENT_REQUEST_RESUME_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_CLIENT_REQUEST_WARNING_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_COLUMN_SIZE - Static variable in class org.voltdb.VoltType.LengthRange
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SETUP_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
The default length (in bytes) for a column with type GEOGRAPHY, if no length is specified.
DEFAULT_NETWORK_BACKPRESSURE_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_OUTSTANDING_TRANSACTION_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_RECONNECT_RETRY_DELAY - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_REQUEST_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
DEFAULT_RESPONSE_THREADS - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
defaultLengthForVariableLengthType() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
The size specifier for columns with a variable-length type is optional in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement.
defaultTrustStore() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Configures trust store for TLS/SSL using installation defaults.
diff(ClientAffinityStats, ClientAffinityStats) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientAffinityStats
Subtract one ClientAffinityStats instance from another to produce a third.
disableConnectionMgmt() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Disable automatic connection management.
DR_TABLE_HASH_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that a record in DR binary log could not be applied because a table could not be found for the table hash from the remote cluster.
drain() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Block the current thread until all queued stored procedure invocations have received responses, or there are no more connections to the cluster.
drain() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Drain all requests.


ENABLE_SSL_FOR_TEST - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
enableKerberosAuthentication(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Enable Kerberos authentication, using the provided JAAS login context entry key to get the authentication credentials held by the caller.
enableKerberosAuthentication(Subject) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Enable Kerberos authentication with the provided subject credentials.
enableSSL() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Enables TLS/SSL for server connections.
enableSSL() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Enables TLS/SSL with previously-configured trust store.
enableSSLHostCheck() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
If TLS/SSL is enabled, this enables verification of the host identification (either dnsName or IP address) in the X.509 certificate's SubjectAlternativeName extension.
enableSSLHostCheck() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
If TLS/SSL is enabled, this enables verification of the host identification (either dnsName or IP address) in the X.509 certificate's SubjectAlternativeName extension.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Compare this point with another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
equals(Object) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Exists for unit testing, but probably shouldn't be called.
errorLogHandler(Client2Notification.ErrorLog) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Registers an error-log handler.


FAILED_CONFIG_UPDATE - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
An attempt to update the configuration failed for an unexpected reason; the configuration may have been partially updated.
fetch() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Fetch current statistics from the client internals.
fetchAndResetBaseline() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Fetch current statistics from the client internals and set them to be the current baseline.
fetchRow(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Return a VoltTableRow instance with the specified index.
flattenToBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Serialize this point to a ByteBuffer.
flattenToBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Serialize this object to a ByteBuffer.
flattenToBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Serialize this table to a given ByteBuffer.
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
8-bytes in IEEE 754 "double format".
fromJSONObject(JSONObject) - Static method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Construct a table from a JSON object.
fromJSONString(String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Construct a table from a JSON string.
fromWKT(String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Create a GeographyPointValue from a well-known text string.
fromWKT(String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Create a GeographyValue object from a well-known text string.


GeneralException - Exception in org.voltdb.client
This exception can be thrown by any of the synchronous Client2 methods that call a VoltDB procedure.
GEOGRAPHY - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Geography type, for geographical objects (polygons, etc)
GEOGRAPHY_POINT - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Point type, for a geographical point (long, lat)
GeographyPointValue - Class in org.voltdb.types
The Java class that corresponds to the SQL type GEOGRAPHY_POINT.
GeographyPointValue(double, double) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Construct a new GeographyPointValue from its coordinates.
GeographyValue - Class in org.voltdb.types
The Java class used to represent data with the SQL type GEOGRAPHY.
GeographyValue(String) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Create a GeographyValue object from an OGC well-known text-formatted string.
GeographyValue(List<List<GeographyPointValue>>) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Create a polygon from a list of rings.
get(byte) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Statically create an enum value from the corresponding byte.
get(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the column of the current row at columnIndex.
get(int, VoltType) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve a value from the row by specifying the column index and the type.
get(String, VoltType) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve a value from the row by specifying the column name and the type.
getActiveRowIndex() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Get the position in the table of this row instance, starting at zero for the first row.
getAffinityReads() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientAffinityStats
Get the number of reads that used affinity for this time period.
getAffinityStats() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Get the client affinity stats.
getAffinityWrites() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientAffinityStats
Get the number of writes that used affinity for this time period.
getAggregateAffinityStats() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Roll up the per-partition affinity stats and return the totals for each of the four categories.
getAppStatus() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Retrieve the status code returned by the stored procedure.
getAppStatusString() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Get a String representation of any additional information the stored procedure may have included in the response.
getAverageInternalLatency() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the server-side average latency in milliseconds for the time period covered by this stats instance.
getAverageLatency() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the average latency in milliseconds for the time period covered by this stats instance.
getBackpressureQueueThresholds() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Get thresholds for backpressure reporting, as set by ClientConfig.setBackpressureQueueThresholds(int, int).
getBuffer() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Directly access the table's underlying ByteBuffer.
getBuildString() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Retrieve the build string that was provided by the server at connection time.
getBytesRead() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Return the number of bytes read from the network during the time period covered by this stats instance.
getBytesWritten() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Return the number of bytes written over the network during the time period covered by this stats instance.
getClientResponse() - Method in exception org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException
When a ProcCallException has a response from the server, retrieve it with this method.
getClientRoundtrip() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Get the amount of time it took to run the transaction through the Client API, database, and back to the callback.
getClientRoundtripNanos() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Get the amount of time it took to run the transaction through the Client API, database, and back to the callback.
getClusterRoundtrip() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Get an estimate of the amount of time it took for the database to process the transaction from the time it was received at the initiating node to the time the initiating node got the response and queued it for transmission to the client.
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Returns the number of columns in the table schema
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Return the index of the column with the specified column name.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Return the name of the column with the specified index.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
getColumnType(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Return the type of the column with the specified index.
getCompleteStats() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Return a map of maps by connection id.
getConnectedHostList() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Get the list of VoltDB server hosts to which this client has open TCP connections.
getConnectionId() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the id of the individual socket connection this statistics instance applies to.
getConnectionRequestStats() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
getCreateParams() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
For JDBC, the name(s) of any type-specific parameter(s), e.g.
getDecimalAsBigDecimal(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the BigDecimal value stored in the column specified by the index.
getDecimalAsBigDecimal(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the BigDecimal value stored in the column specified by columnName.
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the double value stored in the column specified by index.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the double value stored in the column specified by name.
getDuration() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the number of milliseconds this stats instance covers.
getEndTimestamp() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the Date-compatible timestamp that describes the end of the range of time this stats instance covers.
getGeographyPointValue(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the GeographyPointValue value stored in the column specified by index.
getGeographyPointValue(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the GeographyPointValue value stored in the column specified by name.
getGeographyValue(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the GeographyValue value stored in the column specified by index.
getGeographyValue(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the GeographyValue value stored in the column specified by name.
getHostname() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
The hostname or IP (as string) of the connection this stats instance covers.
getInstanceForTest(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
get a not fully constructed and validated VoltTable.
getInstanceId() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Get an identifier for the cluster to which this client is currently connected.
getInvocationAborts() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the number of transactions aborted by the VoltDB server(s) during the time period covered by this stats instance.
getInvocationErrors() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the number of transactions failed by the VoltDB server(s) during the time period covered by this stats instance.
getInvocationsCompleted() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the number of transactions acknowledged by the VoltDB server(s) during the time period covered by this stats instance.
getInvocationTimeouts() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the number of transactions timed out before being sent to or responded by VoltDB server(s) during the time period covered by this stats instance.
getIOReadThroughput() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Return an average throughput of bytes read per second from the network for the duration covered by this stats instance.
getIOWriteThroughput() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Return an average throughput of bytes sent per second over the network for the duration covered by this stats instance.
getJdbcClass() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
getJdbcSqlType() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Get the java.sql.Types type of this type.
getLatencyBucketsBy100ms() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the raw buckets used for latency tracking in 1ms increments.
getLatencyBucketsBy10ms() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the raw buckets used for latency tracking in 10ms increments.
getLatencyBucketsBy1ms() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the raw buckets used for latency tracking in 1ms increments.
getLatitude() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Return the latitude of this point in degrees.
getLengthInBytes() - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Returns the number of bytes an instance of this class requires when serialized to a ByteBuffer.
getLengthInBytes() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Return the number of bytes in the serialization for this polygon.
getLengthInBytesForFixedTypes() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Get the number of bytes required to store the fixed length type.
getLengthInBytesForFixedTypesWithoutCheck() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
getLiteralPrefix() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
For JDBC, returns the prefix (if any, otherwise null) used with SQL literal constants of this type.
getLiteralSuffix() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
For JDBC, returns the suffix (if any, otherwise null) used with SQL literal constants of this type.
getLong(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the long value stored in the column specified by index.
getLong(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the long value stored in the column specified by name.
getLongitude() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Return the longitude of this point in degrees.
getMaximumScale() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Non-integer numeric VoltTypes must override this method.
getMaxLengthInBytes() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Get the maximum number of bytes required to store the type
getMaxOutstandingTxns() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Returns the maximum number of outstanding requests as set by ClientConfig.setMaxOutstandingTxns(int).
getMaxValueForKeyPadding() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
getMinimumScale() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Non-integer numeric VoltTypes must override this method.
getMinLengthInBytes() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Get the minimum number of bytes required to store the type
getMostCompatibleJavaTypeName() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
getName() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
getNewBulkLoader(String, int, boolean, BulkLoaderFailureCallBack) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Creates a new instance of a VoltBulkLoader that is bound to this Client.
getNewBulkLoader(String, int, boolean, BulkLoaderFailureCallBack, BulkLoaderSuccessCallback) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Creates a new instance of a VoltBulkLoader that is bound to this Client.
getNewBulkLoader(String, int, BulkLoaderFailureCallBack) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
getNonblockingAsync() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Returns non-blocking async setting, as established by a prior ClientConfig.setNonblockingAsync().
getNullable() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
VoltDB treats nullability as orthogonal to type, so all types are nullable.
getNullValue() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Get a value representing whichever null value is appropriate for the current VoltType enum.
getOffset(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
getPort() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
The port number of the connection this stats instance covers.
getProcedureName() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the name of the procedure this statistics instance applies to.
getRawRow() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
getResponse() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.SyncCallback
Retrieve the ClientResponse returned for this procedure invocation.
getResults() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Get the array of VoltTable results returned by the stored procedure.
getRings() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Return the list of rings of a polygon.
getRow() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
getRowCount() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
getRowObjects() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the current row as an array of Objects.
getRowStart() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
getRrReads() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientAffinityStats
Get the number of reads that used round-robin distribution for this time period.
getRrWrites() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientAffinityStats
Get the number of writes that used round-robin distribution for this time period.
getSearchable() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
getSerializedSize() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Get the serialized size in bytes of this table.
getSignatureChar() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Get a char that uniquely identifies a type.
getStartTimestamp() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Get the Date-compatible timestamp that describes the start of the range of time this stats instance covers.
getStats() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Return a ClientStats that covers all procedures and all connection ids.
getStatsByConnection() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Return a map of ClientStats by connection id.
getStatsByProc() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Return a map of ClientStats by procedure name.
getStatsForProcedure(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
Return a ClientStats instance for a specific procedure name.
getStatus() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Retrieve the status code returned by the server
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Set the status code associated with this table.
getStatusString() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Get a String representation of any additional information the server may have included in the response.
getString(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the String value stored in the column specified by index.
getString(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the String value stored in the column specified by name.
getStringAsBytes(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the string value stored in the column specified by index as an array of bytes.
getStringAsBytes(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the string value stored in the column specified by name as an array of bytes.
getTableCheckSum(boolean) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Calculate a rudimentary checksum of the table.
getTableSchema() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Get the schema of the table.
getThroughputAndOutstandingTxnLimits() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Get the instantaneous values of the rate-limiting values for this client.
getTime() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Read the microsecond in time stored by this timestamp.
getTimestampAsLong(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the long timestamp stored in the column specified by index.
getTimestampAsLong(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the long timestamp value stored in the column specified by name.
getTimestampAsSqlTimestamp(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the java.sql.Timestamp equivalent to the value stored in the column specified by index.
getTimestampAsSqlTimestamp(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the java.sql.Timestamp equivalent to the value stored in the column specified by name.
getTimestampAsTimestamp(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the TimestampType value stored in the column specified by index.
getTimestampAsTimestamp(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the TimestampType value stored in the column specified by name.
getTxnThroughput() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Return an average throughput of transactions acknowledged per second for the duration covered by this stats instance.
getTypePrecisionAndRadix() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
getUSec() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Get the microsecond portion of this timestamp
getValue() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Gets the byte that corresponds to the VoltType (for serialization).
getValueDisplaySize() - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
The largest number of characters needed to represent a point value as a string.
getValueDisplaySize(int) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Given a column of type GEOGRAPHY(nbytes), return an upper bound on the number of characters needed to represent any entity of this type in WKT.
getVarbinary(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the varbinary value stored in the column specified by index.
getVarbinary(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the varbinary value stored in the column specified by name.
getVarbinaryLen(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Retrieve the length of the varbinary value stored in the column specified by index.
GRACEFUL_FAILURE - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating the stored procedure failed and was rolled back.


hashCode() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Hashcode with the same uniqueness as a Java Date.
hashCode() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo
hashCode() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
This only throws. Doesn't do anything.
hashedPassword(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Set hashed password for connections to VoltDB.
hashedPassword(String, ClientAuthScheme) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Set hashed password for connections to VoltDB.
hasSameContents(VoltTable) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Check to see if this table has the same contents as the provided table.
hasSameContents(VoltTable, boolean) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
HIGHEST_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
humanReadableSize(int) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
String representation of MAX_VALUE_LENGTH.
HUNDRED_MS_BUCKET_COUNT - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
The number of buckets tracking latency with 100ms granularity.


INLIST_OF_BIGINT - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Special purpose internal type to describe expectations for parameters to statements that contain syntax like " integer_expr IN ? ".
INLIST_OF_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Special purpose internal type to describe expectations for parameters to statements that contain syntax like " varchar_expr IN ? ".
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
4-byte signed 2s-complement integer.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Used for uninitialized types in some places.
isAnyIntegerType() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Is this type an integer type? True for TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT.
isAutoReconnectEnabled() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
This returns the same value as the Client.isTopologyChangeAwareEnabled() method, which is now preferred.
isAvroRecord(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
isBackendIntegerType() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Is this type an integer type in the EE? True for TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT and TIMESTAMP.
isCaseSensitive() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Individual VoltTypes like String can override to enable this functionality.
isExactNumeric() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Is the type a number and is it an exact value (no rounding errors)?
isIndexable() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
VoltTypes for indexable non-numeric values must override.
isJdbcVisible() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Is this type visible to JDBC
isNumber() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
isTopologyChangeAwareEnabled() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Tell whether Client has turned on the topologyChangeAware feature.
isUniqueIndexable() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
VoltTypes with special restrictions about uniqueness support must override.
isUnsigned() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Numeric types are all signed types, so return false.
isVariableLength() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
isVoltNullValue(Object) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType


kPercentileLatency(double) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Using the latency bucketing statistics gathered by the client, estimate the k-percentile latency value for the time period covered by this stats instance.
kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(double) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Using the latency bucketing statistics gathered by the client, estimate the k-percentile latency value for the time period covered by this stats instance.


latencyHistoReport() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
Generate a human-readable report of latencies in the form of a histogram.
lateProcedureResponse(ClientResponse, String, int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt
Called when a response arrives on a connection that has already had its callback called due to an elapsed timeout.
lateResponseHandler(Client2Notification.LateResponse) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Registers a handler for late server responses.
loadTopics() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.topics.VoltDBKafkaPartitioner
loginContext(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Creates a new login context and authenticates the user, then adds the authenticated subject to this client configuration.
LOWEST_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config


m_client - Variable in class org.voltdb.client.topics.VoltDBKafkaPartitioner
MAX_SERIALIZED_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
The maximum-allowed length (in bytes) for a column with type GEOGRAPHY.
MAX_SERIALIZED_TABLE_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Size in bytes of the maximum length for a VoltDB tuple.
MAX_SERIALIZED_TABLE_LENGTH_STR - Static variable in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
String representation of MAX_SERIALIZED_TABLE_LENGTH.
MAX_TUPLE_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Size in bytes of the maximum length for a VoltDB tuple.
MAX_TUPLE_LENGTH_STR - Static variable in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
String representation of MAX_TUPLE_LENGTH.
MAX_VALUE_LENGTH - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Size in bytes of the maximum length for a VoltDB field value, presumably a STRING or VARBINARY
MAX_VALUE_LENGTH_IN_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
millisFromJDBCformat(String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Given a string parseable by the JDBC Timestamp parser, return the fractional component in milliseconds.
MIN_SERIALIZED_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
The minimum-allowed length (in bytes) for a column with type GEOGRAPHY.
mul(double) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue


networkBackpressureLevel(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
This setting controls the maximum number of requests that the Client2 API can have queued at the VoltDB network layer for a single connection.
newBulkLoader(String, int, boolean, BulkLoaderFailureCallBack, BulkLoaderSuccessCallback) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Creates a new instance of a VoltBulkLoader bound to this client.
NO_KNOWN_SERVERS - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.AutoConnectionStatus
topo-change-aware mode, no known servers to try
NoConnectionsException - Exception in org.voltdb.client
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to queue a stored procedure invocation with a Client that has no connections.
normalizeLngLat(double, double) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Create a GeographyPointValue with normalized coordinates.
NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Used to type java null values that have no type.
NULL_BIGINT - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for BIGINT.
NULL_DECIMAL - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for DECIMAL.
NULL_FLOAT - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for FLOAT.
NULL_GEOGRAPHY - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for GEOGRAPHY.
NULL_INTEGER - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for INTEGER.
NULL_POINT - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for GEOGRAPHY_POINT.
NULL_SMALLINT - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for SMALLINT.
NULL_STRING_LENGTH - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Length value for a null string.
NULL_STRING_OR_VARBINARY - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for STRING or VARBINARY.
NULL_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for TIMESTAMP.
NULL_TINYINT - Static variable in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Null value for TINYINT.
NullCallback - Class in org.voltdb.client
A utility callback that can be instantiated for asynchronous invocations where the result including success/failure is going to be ignored.
NullCallback() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.NullCallback
NUMERIC - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Used for some literal constants parsed by our SQL parser.


ONE_MS_BUCKET_COUNT - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
The number of buckets tracking latency with 1ms granularity.
OPERATIONAL_FAILURE - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the transaction completed and did not roll back, but some part of the operation didn't succeed.
org.voltdb - package org.voltdb
org.voltdb.client - package org.voltdb.client
org.voltdb.client.topics - package org.voltdb.client.topics
org.voltdb.types - package org.voltdb.types
outstandingTransactionLimit(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets the limit on the number of transactions that can be outstanding at the VoltDB server at any one time.
outstandingTxnCount() - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Returns an estimate of the number of outstanding transactions.


partition(String, Object, byte[], Object, byte[], Cluster) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.topics.VoltDBKafkaPartitioner
Use DefaultPartitioner for opaque topics, otherwise use VoltDB hash mechanism for partition calculation.
partitionId - Variable in class org.voltdb.client.ClientResponseWithPartitionKey
partitionKey - Variable in class org.voltdb.client.ClientResponseWithPartitionKey
password(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Set cleartext password for connections to VoltDB.
preserveResources() - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientFactory
Internally used by the VoltDB server during initialization.
ProcCallException - Exception in org.voltdb.client
Exception thrown by the SyncCallback and Client.callProcedure(String, Object...) when a status code that is not ClientResponse.SUCCESS is returned in the ClientResponse.
ProcedureCallback - Interface in org.voltdb.client
Abstract base class for callbacks that are invoked when an asynchronously invoked transaction receives a response.
procedureCallTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets the timeout for procedure calls.


queryTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2CallOptions
Sets the server-side query timeout for a read-only procedure call or batch of procedure calls.


reconnectDelay(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets delay times for attempts to reconnect failed connections.
requestBackpressureHandler(Client2Notification.RequestBackpressure) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Registers a handler to be notified about changes in request backpressure.
RequestLimitException - Exception in org.voltdb.client
This exception can be thrown by any of the Client2 methods that call a VoltDB procedure.
requestPriority(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2CallOptions
Sets the request priority for a procedure call.
requestPriority(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets the default priority for procedure calls from a Client2 created using this configuration.
resetConnectionRequestStats() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsContext
resetRowPosition() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Sets the active position indicator so that the next call to VoltTableRow.advanceRow() will make the first record active.
response - Variable in class org.voltdb.client.ClientResponseWithPartitionKey
RESPONSE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the response was lost, and the outcome of the invocation is unknown.
responseExecutorService(ExecutorService, boolean) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Provides an ExecutorService with which to complete callProcedure requests.
responseThreadCount(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Sets the fixed number of 'response' threads to be available in the pool of such threads.
rotate(double, GeographyPointValue) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
roundingMode(boolean, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Enables or disables the rounding mode in the client.


scale(GeographyPointValue, double) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
serialize(DataOutput) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Serialize this point to a DataOutput
serialize(DataOutput) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Serialize this object to a DataOutput
serializeNull(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Serialize the null point (that is, a SQL null value) to a ByteBuffer, at the buffer's current position.
SERVER_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the server is currently unavailable for stored procedure invocations.
setBackpressureQueueThresholds(int, int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Set thresholds for backpressure reporting based on pending request count and pending byte count.
setConnectionResponseTimeout(long) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Set the timeout for reading from a connection.
setHeavyweight(boolean) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Specifies that the client wants additional network threads.
setInitialConnectionRetryInterval(long) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Set the initial connection retry interval for automatic reconnection when topology-change awareness is enabled.
setMaxConnectionRetryInterval(long) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Set the maximum connection retry interval for automatic reconnection when topology-change awareness is enabled.
setMaxOutstandingTxns(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Set the maximum number of outstanding requests that will be submitted before blocking.
setMaxTransactionsPerSecond(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Set a limit on the number of transactions that can be executed per second.
setNonblockingAsync() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Sets nonblocking mode for asynchronous procedure invocations.
setNonblockingAsync(long) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Sets nonblocking mode for asynchronous procedure invocations, with provision for user-supplied blocking time limit.
setOutstandingTxnLimit(int) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Set limit on number of transactions that can be outstanding at the VoltDB cluster from this client.
setProcedureCallTimeout(long) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Set the timeout for procedure calls.
setRequestLimits(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Set limits on the number of requests that can be pending in the Client2 API at any one time.
setRequestPriority(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Sets the request priority for all procedure calls from a Client created using this configuration.
setRoundingConfig(boolean, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Enable or disable the rounding mode in the client.
setStatusCode(byte) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Set the status code associated with this table.
setTopologyChangeAware(boolean) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configures the client so that it attempts to connect to all nodes in the cluster as they are discovered, and will reconnect if those connections fail.
setTrustStore(String, String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configure trust store with specified path and password.
setTrustStoreConfigFromDefault() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configure trust store using installation defaults, determined as follows: If the system property is set, then its value, along with that of, will be used.
setTrustStoreConfigFromFile(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
This is a generalized routine to create a truststore from a provided file.
setTrustStoreConfigFromPropertyFile(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig
Configure trust store via a property file.
SMALLINT - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
2-byte signed 2s-complement short.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
UTF-8 string with up to 32K chars.
sub(GeographyPointValue) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
sub(GeographyPointValue, double) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.AutoConnectionStatus
creation success
SUCCESS - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating the store procedure executed successfully
SyncCallback - Class in org.voltdb.client
A utility class that allows a client to queue a stored procedure invocation asynchronously and then poll or join on the response.
SyncCallback() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.SyncCallback
Create a SyncCallback instance.
SYSPROC_UNAVAILABLE_IN_MIXED_MODE - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
This status is returned when you are running in mixed mode and a new sysproc needs all nodes to have certain specified capability.


TEN_MS_BUCKET_COUNT - Static variable in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
The number of buckets tracking latency with 10ms granularity.
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.DisconnectCause
Connection timed out
TIMESTAMP - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
8-byte long value representing microseconds after the epoch.
TimestampType - Class in org.voltdb.types
Represent a microsecond-accurate VoltDB timestamp type.
TimestampType() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Create a TimestampType instance for the current time.
TimestampType(long) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Create a TimestampType from microseconds from epoch.
TimestampType(String) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Construct from a timestamp string in a complete date or time format.
TimestampType(Date) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
Create a TimestampType from a Java Date class.
TINYINT - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
1-byte signed 2s-complement byte.
toFormattedString() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Return a "pretty print" representation of this table with column names.
toFormattedString(boolean) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Return a "pretty print" representation of this table with or without column names.
toJSONString() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
toJSONString() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Get a JSON representation of this table.
toJSONStringerV2(JSONStringer) - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Get a JSON /api/2.0/ representation of this table.
toSQLString() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Get the corresponding SQL type as for a given VoltType enum.
toString() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientAffinityStats
toString() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStats
toString() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Return this point as a well-known text string.
toString() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Return a representation of this object as well-known text.
toString() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
An implementation of toString for debugging and printing VoltTables.
toString() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo
toString() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Returns a String representation of this table.
toString() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Return the string representation of this type.
toString(TimeZone) - Method in class org.voltdb.types.TimestampType
An implementation of toString for debugging and printing VoltTables which allows the specification of a timezone.
toWKT() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Return this point as a well-known text string.
toWKT() - Method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Return a representation of this object as well-known text.
transactionRateLimit(int) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Limits the rate at which transactions can be sent to the VoltDB server.
trustStore(String, String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Configures trust store for TLS/SSL using a specified trust store file and an optional password.
trustStoreFromFile(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
A generalized routine to configire a TLS/SSL trust store from a specified file.
trustStoreFromPropertyFile(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Configure a TLS/SSL trust store via a property file.
TXN_MISPARTITIONED - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the transaction was sent to the wrong partition.
TXN_MISROUTED - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the transaction is mis-routed.
TXN_RESTART - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating that the transaction is being restarted.
typeFromClass(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Ascertain the most appropriate VoltType given a java class.
typeFromObject(Object) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Ascertain the most appropriate VoltType given a java object.
typeFromString(String) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Converts string representations to an enum value.


UNABLE_TO_CONNECT - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.AutoConnectionStatus
fail to create
UNABLE_TO_QUERY_TOPOLOGY - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.AutoConnectionStatus
could not get topology
uncaughtException(ProcedureCallback, ClientResponse, Throwable) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt
Called when a ProcedureCallback.clientCallback(ClientResponse) invocation throws an exception.
UNEXPECTED_FAILURE - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating the stored procedure failed (or may never have been successfully invoked) and that there may have been negative side effects on the server
unflattenFromBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Deserialize a point from a ByteBuffer at the buffer's current position
unflattenFromBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Deserialize a GeographyValue from a ByteBuffer at the ByteBuffer's current position.
unflattenFromBuffer(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyPointValue
Deserializes a point from a ByteBuffer, at an absolute offset.
unflattenFromBuffer(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class org.voltdb.types.GeographyValue
Deserialize a GeographyValue from a ByteBuffer from an absolute offset.
UNINITIALIZED_APP_STATUS_CODE - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Default value for the user specified app status code field
UNSUPPORTED_DYNAMIC_CHANGE - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
An attempt was made to update the application catalog online, but the deployment contained changes that are not supported for online change.
update(Client, File, String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.UpdateClasses
Synchronously updates class definitions.
update(Client, ProcedureCallback, File, String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.UpdateClasses
Asynchronously updates class definitions.
updateAsync(Client2, File, String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.UpdateClasses
Asynchronously updates class definitions via a "version 2" client.
updateClasses(File, String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Synchronously updates class definitions in the VoltDB database.
updateClasses(ProcedureCallback, File, String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Asynchronously updates class definitions in the VoltDB database.
UpdateClasses - Class in org.voltdb.client
Utility class, providing methods to load updated classes into a VoltDB database.
UpdateClasses() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.UpdateClasses
updateSync(Client2, File, String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.UpdateClasses
Synchronously updates class definitions via a "version 2" client.
USER_ABORT - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse
Status code indicating the stored procedure executed successfully and was voluntarily aborted and rolled back by the stored procedure code
username(String) - Method in class org.voltdb.client.Client2Config
Set username for connections to VoltDB.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.AutoConnectionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.DisconnectCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.AutoConnectionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatusListenerExt.DisconnectCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
valueToBytes(Object) - Static method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Converts the object into bytes for hashing.
VARBINARY - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Array of bytes of variable length
varbinaryToPrintableString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Make a printable, short string for a varbinary.
vectorClassFromType() - Method in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
Return the java class that is matched to a given VoltType.
VOLTDB_SERVER_PORT - Static variable in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Default non-admin port number for volt cluster instances.
VoltDBKafkaPartitioner - Class in org.voltdb.client.topics
VoltDBKafkaPartitioner is a partitioner to calculate VoltDB partition id from the key value.
VoltDBKafkaPartitioner() - Constructor for class org.voltdb.client.topics.VoltDBKafkaPartitioner
VoltTable - Class in org.voltdb
The primary representation of a result set (of tuples) or a temporary table in VoltDB.
VoltTable(VoltTable.ColumnInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Create an empty table from column schema given as an array.
VoltTable(VoltTable.ColumnInfo[], int) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Create an empty table from column schema.
VoltTable(VoltTable.ColumnInfo, VoltTable.ColumnInfo...) - Constructor for class org.voltdb.VoltTable
Create an empty table from column schema.
VOLTTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.voltdb.VoltType
VoltTable type for Procedure parameters
VoltTable.ColumnInfo - Class in org.voltdb
Object that represents the name and schema for a VoltTable column.
VoltTableRow - Class in org.voltdb
Represents the interface to a row in a VoltTable result set.
VoltType - Enum Class in org.voltdb
Represents a type for a VoltTable column or a SQLStmt parameter.
VoltType.LengthRange - Class in org.voltdb
Support class to represent optional value length variability.


waitForResponse() - Method in class org.voltdb.client.SyncCallback
Block until a response has been received for the invocation associated with this callback.
waitForTopology(long) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Wait until the VoltDB cluster topology has been determined, which may take a few seconds after the initial connection.
waitForTopology(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client2
Wait until the VoltDB cluster topology has been determined, which may take a few seconds after the initial connection.
wasNull() - Method in class org.voltdb.VoltTableRow
Returns whether last retrieved value was null.
writeSummaryCSV(String, ClientStats, String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Append a single line of comma-separated values to the file specified.
writeSummaryCSV(String, ClientStats, String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsUtil
Write a single line of comma-separated values to the file specified.
writeSummaryCSV(ClientStats, String) - Method in interface org.voltdb.client.Client
Append a single line of comma separated values to the file specified.
writeSummaryCSV(ClientStats, String) - Static method in class org.voltdb.client.ClientStatsUtil
Append a single line of comma-separated values to the file specified.
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