All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class that must be extended to create custom importers in VoltDB server.
Factory class that importer bundles should extend to make the importer available for use within VoltDB server.
Class which defines an action to be taken as well as a callback to be invoked when that action has been performed.
Interface which generates actions to be be performed as part of a task on a schedule
The result of executing an Action which was produed by either an IntervalGenerator or ActionScheduler
Interface which generates actions to be performed as well as calculating the interval that should elapse before the action is performed.
Enum used to describe the type of the Action.
Helper that can be used to collect multiple errors that are encountered, e.g.
The Java class that corresponds to the SQL type GEOGRAPHY_POINT.
The Java class used to represent data with the SQL type GEOGRAPHY.
Represents importer configurations created from properties specified in deployment file.
Base interface for all interfaces of classes which are supplied to the TaskManager for construction and initialization
Class used to run a single VoltDB server in-process for debug and test purposes.
Class to represent the time interval which should elapse before an action is performed.
Interface which calculates the time interval which should elapse until the next action should be performed
Class which describes an interval, an action to perform after that interval and a callback which should be invoked after the action has been performed.
A simple wrapper of a parameterized SQL statement.
Helper interface passed to IntervalGenerator, ActionGenerator and ActionScheduler instances for calling in to the volt system to perform logging, validation and other operations
Enum to represent the different scopes in which a Task can run
Represent a microsecond-accurate VoltDB timestamp type.
Base class for any user-provided compound procedures.
Thrown from a stored procedure to abort a VoltCompoundProcedure.
Represents the stages of processing of a VoltCompoundProcedure.
Wraps the stored procedure object created by the user with metadata available at runtime.
Thrown from a stored procedure to indicate to VoltDB that the procedure should be aborted and rolled back.
The primary representation of a result set (of tuples) or a temporary table in VoltDB.
Object that represents the name and schema for a VoltTable column.
Represents the interface to a row in a VoltTable result set.
Represents a type for a VoltTable column or a SQLStmt parameter.
Support class to represent optional value length variability.