4.4. How Indexes Work


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4.4. How Indexes Work

A key insight into defining indexes is determining which of the filters in a query can be “covered” by a given index. Filters and combinations of filters qualify for coverage based on different criteria.

Each "scan" in a query, that is, each argument to a FROM clause that is not a subquery, can use up to one index defined on its table. When a table defines multiple indexes on the same table, these indexes compete in the query planner for the mission of controlling each scan in each query that uses the table. The query planner uses several criteria to evaluate which one of the table's indexes that cover one or more filters in the query is the most likely to be the most efficient.

When indexing a single column, as in "CREATE INDEX INDEX_OF_X_A ON X(A);", a covered filter can be any of the following:

  • "A <op> <constant>", where <op> can be any of "=, <, >, <=, or >="

  • "A BETWEEN <constant1> AND <constant2>"

  • "A IN <constant-list>"

  • A special case of "A LIKE <string-pattern>" where <string-pattern> contains a fixed prefix followed by a wild-card character

Here, <constant>, <constant1>, and <constant2> can be actual literal constants like 1.0 or 'ABC' or they can be placeholders (?) that resolve to constants at runtime. <constant-list> can be a list of literals or literals and parameters like ('ABC', 'BAC', 'BCA', 'ACB', 'CBA', 'BAC') or (1, 2, 3, ?) or (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) or a single vector-valued placeholder. Each of these "constants" can also be an expression of constants, such as  ((1024*1024)-1).

Depending on the order in which tables are scanned in a query, called the join order, a covered filter can also be "A <op> <column>" where <column> is a column from another table in the query or any expression of a column or columns from another table and possibly constants, like B or (B || C) or SUBSTR( B||C , 1 , 4 ).

The join order dependency works like this: if you had two tables indexed on column A and your query is as follows, only one table could be indexed:

SELECT * FROM X, Y WHERE X.A = Y.A and X.B = ?;

The first one to be scanned would have to use a sequential table scan. If you also had an index on X.B, X could be index-scanned on B and Y could then be index-scanned on A, so a table scan would be avoided.

The availability of indexes that cover the scans of a query have a direct effect on the planners selection of the join order for a query. In this case, the planner would reject the option of scanning Y first, since that would mean one more sequential scan and one fewer index scan, and the planner prefers more index scans whenever possible on the assumption that index scans are more efficient.

When creating an index containing multiple columns, as in "CREATE INDEX INDEX_OF_X_A_B ON X(A, B);", a covered filter can be any of the forms listed above for coverage by a simpler index “ON X(A)”, regardless of the presence of a filter on B — this is used to advantage when columns are added to an index to lower its cardinality, as discussed below.

A multi-column index “ON X(A, B) can be used more effectively in queries with a combination of filters that includes a filter on A and a filter on B. To enable the more effective filtering, the first filter or prefix filter on A must specifically have the form of "A = ..." or "A IN ..." — possibly involving column(s) of other tables, depending on join order — while the filter on B can be any form from the longer list of covered filters, above.

A specific exception to this rule is that a filter of the form "B IN ..." does not improve the effectiveness of a filter of the form "A IN ...", but that same filter "B IN ..." can be used with a filter of the specific form "A = ...". In short, each index is restricted to applying to only one “IN” filter per query. So, when the index is covering “A IN …”, it will refuse to cover the “B IN …” filter.

This extends to indexes on greater numbers of columns, so an index "ON X(A, B, C)" can generally be used for all of the filters and filter combinations described above using A or using A and B. It can be used still more effectively on a combination of prefix filters like "A = ... " ( or "A IN ..." ) AND "B = ..." ( or "B IN ..." ) with an additional filter on C — but again, only the first "IN" filter improves the index effectiveness, and other “IN” filters are not covered.

When determining whether a filter can be covered as the first or prefix filter of an index (first or second filter of an index on three or more columns, etc.), the ordering of the filters always follows the ordering of the columns in the index definition. So, “CREATE INDEX INDEX_ON_X_A_B ON X(A, B)” is significantly different from “CREATE INDEX INDEX_ON_X_B_A ON X(B, A)”. In contrast, the orientation of the filters as expressed in each query does not matter at all, so "A = 1 and B > 10" has the same effect on indexing as "10 < B and A = 1" etc. The filter “A = 1” is considered the “first” filter in both cases when the index is “ON (A, B)” because A is first.

Also, other arbitrary filters can be combined in a query with “AND” without disqualifying the covered filters; these additional filters simply add (reduced) sequential filtering cost to the index scan.

But a top-level OR condition like "A = 0 OR A > 100" will disqualify all filters and will not use any index.

A general pre-condition of a query's filters eligible for coverage by a multi-column index is that the first key in the index must be filtered. So, if a query had no filter at all on A, it could not use any of the above indexes, regardless of the filters on B and/or on C. This is the condition that can cause table scans if there are not enough indexes, or if the indexes or queries are not carefully matched.

This implies that carelessly adding columns to the start of an already useful index's list can make it less useful and applicable to fewer queries. Conversely, adding columns to the end of an already useful index (rather than to the beginning) is more likely to make the index just as applicable but more effective in eliminating sequential filtering. Adding to the middle of the list can cause an index to become either more or less effective for the queries to which it applies. Any such change should be tested by reviewing the schema report and/or by benchmarking the affected queries. Optimal index use and query performance may be achieved either with the original definition of the index, with the changed definition, or by defining two indexes.