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INET6_NTOA() — Converts an IPv6 internet address from a VARBINARY(16) value to a string


INET_NTOA( {binary-value} )


The INET6_NTOA() function converts a 16-byte VARBINARY value representing an IPv6 internet address to its corresponding string representation as a VARCHAR value. Or, if the argument is null, the function returns a null VARCHAR as the result.

You can use the INET6_ATON() function to perform the reverse operation, from a VARCHAR IPv6 address to a VARBINARY(16) value, or you can use the INET_ATON and INET_NTOA functions to perform similar operations on IPv4 addresses.


The following example converts a VARBINARY(16) representation of an IPv6 internet address into its string representation for output.

SELECT INET6_NTOA(v6ip), owner FROM Address
   WHERE owner=? ORDER BY v6ip;