The following tables describe the metrics available for measuring the volume, frequency, and performance of transactions, procedures, and the planner used for precessing ad hoc queries.
Table B.2. Transactions and Procedures
Metrics | Type | Description |
voltdb_idle_time_pauses_seconds | Histogram | The distribution of the amount of time the execution site had to wait for a new task. |
voltdb_initiator_procedure_aborted_total | Counter | The number of times the procedure was aborted. |
voltdb_initiator_procedure_failed_total | Counter | The number of times the procedure failed unexpectedly. |
voltdb_initiator_procedure_invoked_total | Counter | The number of times the stored procedure has been invoked by this connection on this host node. |
voltdb_initiator_procedure_invoked_time_seconds | Histogram | The distribution of length of time it took to execute the stored procedure. |
voltdb_procedure_aborted_total | Counter | The number of times the procedure was aborted. |
voltdb_procedure_bad_input_total | Counter | The total number of times this procedure was run with a wrong set of arguments (may only happen for NT procedure). |
voltdb_procedure_failed_total | Counter | The number of times the procedure failed unexpectedly. |
voltdb_procedure_forwarded_total | Counter | - |
voltdb_procedure_invoked_total | Counter | The total number of invocations of this procedure at this site. |
voltdb_procedure_invoked_time_seconds | Histogram | The length of time it took to execute the stored procedure. |
voltdb_procedure_params_size_bytes | Counter | The cumulative size of the parameters passed as input to the procedure. |
voltdb_procedure_result_size_bytes | Counter | The total size of the results returned by the procedure. |
voltdb_procedure_sampled_total | Counter | Number of invocations of procedures for which all measurements (such as execution time) were captured. |
voltdb_procedure_statement_failed_total | Counter | The number of times this procedure statement failed unexpectedly. |
voltdb_procedure_statement_invoked_total | Counter | The total number of invocations of this statement as part of given procedure at this site. |
voltdb_procedure_statement_invoked_time_seconds | Histogram | The length of time it took to execute the statement. |
voltdb_procedure_statement_params_size_bytes | Counter | The total size of the parameters passed as input to the statement. |
voltdb_procedure_statement_result_size_bytes | Counter | The total size (in bytes) of the results returned by the statement. |
voltdb_procedure_timeout_total | Counter | The number of times the procedure timed out. |
Table B.3. Planner
Metrics | Type | Description |
voltdb_planner_cache1_hits_total | Counter | The number of queries that matched and reused a plan in the level 1 cache. |
voltdb_planner_cache1_level_total | Gauge | The number of query plans in the level 1 cache. |
voltdb_planner_cache2_hits_total | Counter | The number of queries that matched and reused a plan in the level 2 cache. |
voltdb_planner_cache2_level_total | Gauge | The number of query plans in the level 2 cache. Gauge. |
voltdb_planner_cache_misses_total | Counter | The number of queries that had no match in the cache and had to be planned from scratch. |
voltdb_planner_failures_total | Counter | The number of times planning for an ad hoc query failed. |
voltdb_planner_plan_time_seconds | Histogram | The distribution of length of time (with nanoseconds accuracy) it took to complete the planning of an ad hoc query. |