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CREATE INDEX — Creates an index for faster access to a table.


ON {table-name | view-name} ( index-column [,...])
[WHERE [NOT] boolean-expression [ {AND | OR} [NOT] boolean-expression]...]


Creating an index on a table or view makes read access to the data faster when using the columns of the index as a key. Note that VoltDB creates an index automatically when you specify a constraint, such as a primary key, in the CREATE TABLE statement.

When you specify that the index is UNIQUE, VoltDB constrains the table to at most one row for each set of index column values. If an INSERT or UPDATE statement attempts to create a row where all the index column values match an existing indexed row, the statement fails.

Because the uniqueness constraint is enforced separately within each partition, only indexes on replicated tables or containing the partitioning column of partitioned tables can ensure global uniqueness for partitioned tables and therefore support the UNIQUE keyword.

If you wish to create an index on a partitioned table that acts like a unique index but does not include the partitioning column, use the keyword ASSUMEUNIQUE instead of UNIQUE. Assumed unique indexes are treated like unique indexes (VoltDB verifies they are unique within the current partition). However, it is your responsibility to ensure these indexes are actually globally unique. Otherwise, it is possible an index will generate a constraint violation during an operation that modifies the partitioning of the database (such as adding nodes on the fly or restoring a snapshot to a different cluster configuration).

The indexed items (index-column) are either columns of the specified table or expressions, including functions, based on the table. For example, the following statements index a table based on the calculated area and its distance from a set location:

CREATE INDEX areaofplot ON plot (width * height);
CREATE INDEX distancefrom49 ON plot ( ABS(latitude - 49) );

You can create a partial index by including a WHERE clause in the index definition. The WHERE clause limits the number of rows that get indexed. This is useful if certain columns in the index are not evenly distributed. For example, if you are not interested in records where a column is null, you can use a WHERE clause to exclude those records and optimize the size and performance of the index.

The partial index is utilized by the database when a query's WHERE clause contains the same condition as the partial index definition. A special case is if the index condition is {column} IS NOT NULL. In this situation, the index may be applied even in the query does not contain that exact condition, as long as the query contains a WHERE condition that implies the column is not null, such as {column} > 0.

By default, VoltDB creates a tree index. Tree indexes provide the best general performance for a wide range of operations, including exact value matches and queries involving a range of values, such as SELECT ... WHERE Score > 1 AND Score < 10.

If an index is used exclusively for exact matches (such as SELECT ... WHERE MyHashColumn = 123), it is possible to create a hash index instead. To create a hash index, include the string "hash" as part of the index name.


The following example creates two indexes on a single table. The first is, by default, a non-unique index based on the departure time The second is a unique index based on the columns for the airline and flight number.

CREATE INDEX flightTimeIdx ON FLIGHT ( departtime );
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX FlightKeyIdx ON FLIGHT ( airline, flightID );

You can also use functions in the index definition. For example, the following is an index based on the element movie within a JSON-encoded VARCHAR column named favorites and the member's ID.

       FIELD( favorites, 'movie' ), memberID

The following example demonstrates the use of a partial index, by including a WHERE clause, to exclude records with a null column.

CREATE INDEX completed_tasks 
    ON tasks (task_id, startdate, enddate)
    WHERE enddate IS NOT NULL;