7.2. Configuring TLS/SSL


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7.2. Configuring TLS/SSL

Another important aspect of security is securing and authenticating the ports used to access the database. The most common way to do this is by enabling TLS/SSL to encrypt data and authenticate the servers using user-created certificates. The process for creating the private keystore and truststore in Java is described in the section on "Configuring TLS/SSL on the VoltDB Server" in the Using VoltDB guide. This process is the same whether you are running the cluster directly on servers or in Kubernetes.

The one difference when enabling TLS/SSL for the cluster in Kubernetes is that if you want the Operator to verify the authenticity of the cluster's certificate, you must also configure the operator with an appropriate truststore, in PEM format. If not, you must set the cluster.clusterSpec.ssl.insecure property to true.

The easiest way to allow verification with a PEM format truststore is to configure the operator using the same truststore and password you use for the cluster itself. First, you will need to convert the truststore to PEM format using the Java keytool:

keytool -export          \
    -alias my.key -rfc   \
    -file mycert.pem     \
    -keystore mykey.jks  \
    -storepass topsecret \
    -keypass topsecret

Once you have your keystore, truststore, and truststore in PEM format, you can configure the cluster and operator with the appropriate SSL properties, using one of three methods:

  • Configuring TLS/SSL with YAML properties

  • Using Kubernetes secrets to store and reuse TLS/SSL information

  • Using cert-manager to create and manage TLS/SSL information for you

  • Configuring the VMC service

The following sections describe the three methods for configuring encryption. In addition, TLS/SSL certificates have an expiration date. It is important you replace the certificate before it expires. If not, the operator will lose the ability to communicate with the cluster pods. See Section 7.3, “Updating TLS/SSL Security Certificates” for instructions on updating the TLS/SSL certificates in Kubernetes.

7.2.1. Configuring TLS/SSL With YAML Properties

The following example uses YAML properties to enable TLS/SSL security and specify the truststore and keystore passwords. First you must enable TLS/SSL encryption, using the cluster.config.deployment.ssl.enabled property. Then you choose which ports will use SSL encryption (in this example, the internal and external ports, but not DR). Finally, you specify the passwords for the keystore and truststore. The YAML does not include the actual content of the truststore and keystore files, since they are in a binary format.

        enabled: true
        external: true
        internal: true
          password: topsecret
          password: topsecret
      insecure: false

Using the preceding YAML file (calling it ssl.yaml), we can complete the SSL configuration by specifying the truststore and keystore files on the helm command line with the --set-file argument:

helm install mydb voltdb/voltdb                                         \
  --values myconfig.yaml                                                \
  --values ssl.yaml                                                     \
  --set-file cluster.config.deployment.ssl.keystore.file=mykey.jks      \
  --set-file cluster.config.deployment.ssl.truststore.file=mytrust.jks  \
  --set-file cluster.clusterSpec.ssl.certificateFile=mycert.pem

Three important notes concerning TLS/SSL configuration:

  • If you enable SSL for the cluster's external interface and ports and you enable metrics, you must provide the appropriate SSL information in the Prometheus configuration so it can access the metrics port.

  • If you do not require validation of the TLS certificate by the operator, you can avoid setting the truststore PEM for the operator and, instead, set the cluster.clusterSpec.ssl.insecure property to true.

  • If you enable SSL for the cluster, you must repeat the specification of the truststore and keystore files every time you update the configuration. Using the --reuse-values argument on the helm upgrade command is not sufficient.

7.2.2. Using Kubernetes Secrets to Store and Reuse TLS/SSL Information

An alternative method is to store the key and trust stores and passwords in a Kubernetes secret. Secrets are a standard feature of Kubernetes that allow you to store sensitive information as key value pairs in a protected space. Three advantages of using a secret are:

  • You do not have to enter sensitive TLS/SSL information in plain text when configuring or updating your database.

  • The secret is used automatically for subsequent updates; you do not have to repeatedly specify the TLS/SSL files when updating the database configuration.

  • You can reuse the same secret for multiple database instances and services.

To use a Kubernetes secret to store the TLS/SSL information for your database, you must first create the necessary files as described in Section 7.2, “Configuring TLS/SSL”. Next you create your Kubernetes secret using the kubectl create secret command, specifying the key names and corresponding artifacts as arguments. For example:

$ kubectl create secret generic my-ssl-creds     \
    --from-file=keystore_data=mykey.jks          \
    --from-file=truststore_data=mytrust.jks      \
    --from-file=certificate=mycert.pem           \
    --from-literal=keystore_password=topsecret   \

It is critical you use the key names keystore_data, truststore_data, keystore_password, truststore_password, and certificate for the keystore, truststore, corresponding passwords, and PEM file, respectively. If not, the Volt Operator will not be able to find them. Also, the secret must be the the same Kubenetes namespace as the Helm release you are configuring.

Once you create the secret you can use it to configure your database by not setting any of standard SSL properties such as the cluster.config.deployment.ssl... properties or cluster.clusterSpec.ssl.certificateFile. Instead, set the property cluster.config.deployment.ssl.sslSecret.certSecretName. Using the secret created in the preceding example, the configuration of your database will look something like this:

          certSecretName: my-ssl-creds

7.2.3. Using Kubernetes cert-manager to Store TLS/SSL Certificates

Another alternative for maintaining the TLS/SSL information is to use the Kubernetes cert-manager (cert-manager.io). The cert-manager is an add-on for Kubernetes that helps you create and maintain certificates and other private information in Kubernetes. If you wish to use cert-manager for self-signed certificates, you not only use it to store the certificate and truststore, you create them with cert-manager as well. (For more detailed information concerning cert-manager, see the cert-manager documentation.)

The basic steps for storing self-signed TLS/SSL credentials in cert-manager are:

  1. Create a Kubernetes secret with the TLS password you wish to use.

  2. Create an issuer resource in Kubernetes that will generate and authenticate the certificate. You only need to do this once for the namespace and multiple certificate requests can use the same issuer.

  3. Create a request for the issuer to generate the actual TLS/SSL certificate and store it in a Kubernetes secret.

  4. Specify the resulting certificate secret in the VoltDB configuration and start your cluster.

You create the Kubernetes secret containing the password using the kubectl create secret command. For example, The following command creates a secret (my-ssl-password) with the password "topsecret". The password must be assigned to the label password:

$ kubectl create secret generic my-ssl-password     \

You create the cert-manager issuer and the certificate request using YAML properties. The easiest way to do this is by typing the property declarations into a YAML file. For example, the following two YAML files create a cert-manager issuer service and request a certificate.


apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
   name: selfsigned-issuer
   namespace: mydb
   selfSigned: {}


apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
  name: my-ssl-certificate
  namespace: mydb
  commonName: voltdb.com
  duration: 8766h
  secretName: my-ssl-creds
      create: true
        name: my-ssl-password
        key: password
    name: selfsigned-issuer
    kind: Issuer
    algorithm: RSA
    encoding: PKCS1
    size: 2048
    - server auth

Four key points to note about the certificate request are:

  • The issuer must be in the same namespace as the database that uses the certificate.

  • The certificate request references the secret you created containing the password (my-ssl-password in the example).

  • As mentioned before, the key in the password secret must be "password".

  • You specify the duration of the certificate in hours. In this example, 8766 hours, or one year.

Once you create the YAML files, you can create the issuer and request the certificate:

$ kubectl apply -f create-issuer.yaml    # Do only once
$ kubectl apply -f request-cert.yaml 

Finally, in your database configuration, you point to the two secrets containing the password and created by the certificate request (in this case, my-ssl-password and my-ssl-creds) the same way you would for a manually created secret:

          passwordSecretName: my-ssl-password
          certSecretName: my-ssl-creds

7.2.4. Configuring TLS/SSL for VMC

In Volt Active Data V13.0 and later, the Volt Management Center (VMC) is run as a separate service and pod. This service has its own TLS/SSL configuration, both for connecting to the database servers (using the vmc.voltdb.ssl.* properties) and for its outbound HTTP interface for access by users (using the vmc.service.ssl.* properties). You can configure these properties manually, which you do by setting the associated ...enabled property to true and then setting the specific TLS/SSL settings using the accompanying properties.

However, it is far more convenient to let the operator configure these properties for you. If you accept the default — or set the ...enabled properties to auto — the operator will set the inbound connection between the VMC service and the database servers to match the servers' TS/SSL settings and it will also use these settings to enable TLS/SSL for the VMC service's outbound HTTP port.


Note that the Operator performs the same service for the separate Prometheus agent, if the agent is enabled with the metrics.enabled property set to true and the metrics.ssl.enabled property set to auto. However, in version 13.0, the separate Prometheus agent is deprecated in favor of per node metrics so the agent is disabled by default.