B.7. Operator Configuration Options


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B.7. Operator Configuration Options

The following properties configure the Volt Operator, which is in turn responsible for managing the startup and operation of all other Volt components.

Table B.6. Options Starting with operator...

.affinityKubernetes node affinity (node affinity and pod anti-affinity){ }
.cleanupCustomResourceAttempt to delete CRD when uninstalling the Helm chartfalse
.cleanupNamespaceClustersDelete ALL VoltDB clusters in the namespace when the operator Helm chart is deletedfalse
.debug.enabledDebug level loggingfalse
.enabledCreate VoltDB Operator to manage clusterstrue
.image.pullPolicyImage pull policyAlways
.image.registryImage registrydocker.io
.image.repositoryImage repositoryvoltdb/voltdb-operator
.image.tagImage tagSame as Chart version
.livenessProbeStandard probe; see Kubernetes documentation for probe settingsSee file values.yaml
.logformatLog encoding format for the operator (console or json)json
.nodeSelectorNode labels for pod assignment{ }
.podAnnotationsAdditional custom pod annotations{ }
.podLabelsAdditional custom pod labels{ }
.readinessProbeStandard probe; see Kubernetes documentation for probe settingsSee file values.yaml
.replicasPod replica count1
.resourcesCPU/Memory resource requests/limitsSee file values.yaml
.securityContextKubernetes container security contextSee file values.yaml
.serviceAccount.createIf true, create & use service account for VoltDB operator containerstrue
.serviceAccount.nameIf not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template""
.startupProbeStandard probe; see Kubernetes documentation for probe settingsSee file values.yaml
.tolerationsKubernetes pod tolerations for node assignment[ ]
​.topologySpreadConstraintsKubernetes topology spread constraint{ }