Table E.1, “Complete List of Volt Configuration Properties” lists all of the configuration properties supported by Volt Active Data on bare metal systems. (For information on configuring Volt Active Data on Kubernetes, see the Volt Kubernetes Administrator's Guide.) The table lists the properties in alphabetical order and includes both a description of the property and a checkmark next to those properties that can be updated "on the fly" (that is, while the database is running.) Property names followed by a pair of square brackets indicate properties that are a list of subproperties.
Table E.1. Complete List of Volt Configuration Properties
Property | Live Update | Description |
deployment.avro.namespace | Avro namespace (since V11) | |
deployment.avro.prefix | Avro configuration prefix | |[].name | Name of the property | |[].value | Value of the property | |
deployment.avro.registry | Avro registry URL | |
deployment.cluster.hostcount | Obsolete, ignored | |
deployment.cluster.kfactor | K-factor to use for database durability and data safety replication | |
deployment.cluster.sitesperhost | SitesPerHost for VoltDB Cluster | |
deployment.commandlog.enabled | Command logging for database durability (recommended) | |
deployment.commandlog.frequency.time | ✓ | How often the command log is written, by time (milliseconds) |
deployment.commandlog.frequency.transactions | ✓ | How often the command log is written, by transaction commands |
deployment.commandlog.logsize | ✓ | Command logging allocated disk space (MB) |
deployment.commandlog.synchronous | Transactions do not complete until logged to disk | |
deployment.compoundproc.callsperstage | Maximum number of procedure invocations per stage of each compound procedure | |
deployment.compoundproc.queuelimit | Maximum number of compound procedures queued to the compound procedure executor | |
deployment.compoundproc.threads | Number of threads used by the compound procedure executor | |
deployment.dr.conflictretention | ✓ | Automatic pruning of XDCR conflict logs; integer followed by one of m/h/d, for minutes/hours/days(since V11) |
deployment.dr.connection.connectionTimeout | ✓ | Timeout, in milliseconds, of the initial connection |
deployment.dr.connection.enabled | ✓ | Specifies whether this DR connection is enabled |
deployment.dr.connection.preferredSource | ✓ | Cluster ID of preferred DR source |
deployment.dr.connection.receiveTimeout | ✓ | Timeout, in milliseconds, of ongoing XDCR communication |
deployment.dr.connection.source | ✓ | If role is replica or xdcr: list of host names or IP addresses of remote nodes |
deployment.dr.connection.ssl | ✓ | - |
deployment.dr.connection.sslHostCheck | - | |
deployment.dr.consumerlimit.maxbuffers | ✓ | Enable DR consumer flow control; either maxsize or maxbuffers must be specified |
deployment.dr.consumerlimit.maxsize | ✓ | Enable DR consumer flow control; either maxsize or maxbuffers must be specified. maxsize is an integer optionally followed by 'g' (gigabytes) or 'm' (megabytes) |
deployment.dr.exportconflicts | ✓ | Optional setting. If false, XDCR conflict logs are not generated into export stream and therefore are not exported. Conflicts are still handled and shown in statistics. |
deployment.dr.flushInterval | ✓ | - | | Unique cluster id, 0-127 | |
deployment.dr.role | ✓ | Role for this cluster, either xdcr or none |
deployment.dr.schemachange.enabled | ✓ | Enable DR consumer to continue while compatible schema changes are being made (since V12) |
deployment.dr.schemachange.truncate | ✓ | Enable values to be truncated if a VARCHAR column is wider on another cluster while schema changes are being made |
deployment.export.configuration[].enabled | ✓ | Is this export enabled? |
deployment.export.configuration[].exportconnectorclass | ✓ | Class name for custom exporters |
deployment.export.configuration[].property[].name | ✓ | Name of the property |
deployment.export.configuration[].property[].value | ✓ | Value of the property |
deployment.export.configuration[].reconnect | ✓ | Reconnect interval, integer followed by 's' or 'm' (V12 or later) |
deployment.export.configuration[].target | ✓ | Name of export target |
deployment.export.configuration[].threadpool | ✓ | Name of thread pool to use for export processing |
deployment.export.configuration[].type | ✓ | Export type (file, custom, etc.) |
deployment.export.defaultpoolsize | ✓ | Size of the default export thread pool (if not set, sites per host value used); only used for Volt V13+ |
deployment.heartbeat.timeout | ✓ | Internal VoltDB cluster verification of presence of other nodes (seconds) |
deployment.httpd.enabled | ✓ | Determines if HTTP API daemon is enabled (external VMC service is recommended instead) |
deployment.httpd.jsonapi.enabled | ✓ | Determines if JSON over HTTP API is enabled; requires http.enabled |
deployment.httpd.port | ✓ | Specifies port for HTTP; default varies according to whether TLS/SSL enabled |
deployment.import.configuration[].enabled | ✓ | Is this import enabled? |
deployment.import.configuration[].format | ✓ | Format of import data |
deployment.import.configuration[].format-property[].name | ✓ | Name of the property |
deployment.import.configuration[].format-property[].value | ✓ | Value of the property |
deployment.import.configuration[].module | ✓ | Name of jar file for custom importer |
deployment.import.configuration[].nickname | ✓ | Arbitrary but unique name for import configuration (Volt V14+) |
deployment.import.configuration[].priority | ✓ | Priority of transactions for this import configuration |
deployment.import.configuration[].property[].name | ✓ | Name of the property |
deployment.import.configuration[].property[].value | ✓ | Value of the property |
deployment.import.configuration[].type | ✓ | Import type e.g. kafka |
deployment.import.configuration[].version | ✓ | The kafka version (only used for Volt V13+) |
deployment.metrics.enabled | Enables cloud native metrics system on each VoltDB pod. It is an alternative to using Prometheus Agent. | |
deployment.metrics.interval | Dictates the frequency at which the service updates its metrics internally, making them accessible to external systems like Prometheus. If metrics are queried at intervals shorter than this configuration, consecutive results might be identical. Supported unit indicators are s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days). | |
deployment.metrics.maxbuffersize | Set the maximum memory usage (in megabytes) for the internal metrics buffer. However the system will make sure it has enough memory to store every metric at least once. | |
deployment.paths.commandlog.path | Directory path for command log | |
deployment.paths.commandlogsnapshot.path | Directory path for command log snapshot | |
deployment.paths.droverflow.path | Directory path for disaster recovery overflow | |
deployment.paths.exportcursor.path | Directory path for export cursors | |
deployment.paths.exportoverflow.path | Directory path for export overflow | |
deployment.paths.largequeryswap.path | Directory path for large query swapping | |
deployment.paths.snapshots.path | Directory path for snapshots. Must be located in a writeable directory, not the root (as init --force will rename existing snapshot folder). | | | ✓ | Controls whether user-based authentication and authorization are used |[].name | ✓ | Distinguished name of LDAP group |[].nickname | ✓ | Arbitrary but unique name for this group entry (Volt V14+) |[].role | ✓ | Comma-list of Volt roles equivalent to this LDAP group | | ✓ | Name of the LDAP schema's objectClass defining a group of users | | ✓ | Name of the LDAP schema's objectClass defining a group of users | | ✓ | Password corresponding to LDAP server username, required | | ✓ | Distinguished Name of the root of the LDAP schema that defines users and groups, required | | ✓ | URL for LDAP server, required; as 'ldap://server:port', or 'ldaps://server:port', port optional | | ✓ | - | | - | | | Password for LDAP truststore file | | | - | | | ✓ | Timeout, in seconds, for requests to the LDAP server | | ✓ | Username used by VoltDB for read-only access on LDAP server, required | | ✓ | Name of the LDAP schema's objectClass containing user information | | ✓ | Name of the LDAP attribute in the userObjectClass that should contain the username provided by the VoltDB client | | ✓ | Sets authentication provider as hash (local) or ldap (using a customer-specified LDAP/LDAP server) |
deployment.snapshot.enabled | ✓ | Enable/disable periodic automatic snapshots |
deployment.snapshot.frequency | ✓ | Frequency of automatic snapshots (in s,m,h) |
deployment.snapshot.prefix | ✓ | Unique prefix for snapshot files |
deployment.snapshot.retain | ✓ | Number of snapshots to retain |
deployment.snmp.authkey | ✓ | SNMPv3 authentication key if protocol is not NoAuth |
deployment.snmp.authprotocol | ✓ | SNMPv3 authentication protocol. One of: SHA, MD5, NoAuth | | ✓ | Name of SNMP community |
deployment.snmp.enabled | ✓ | Enables or disables use of SNMP |
deployment.snmp.privacykey | ✓ | SNMPv3 privacy key if protocol is not NoPriv |
deployment.snmp.privacyprotocol | ✓ | SNMPv3 privacy protocol. One of: AES, DES, 3DES, AES192, AES256, NoPriv | | ✓ | Host name or IP address, and optional port (default 162), for SNMP server |
deployment.snmp.username | ✓ | Username for SNMPv3 authentication; else SNMPv2c is used |
deployment.ssl.dr | Extends TLS/SSL security to the DR port (5555). | |
deployment.ssl.enabled | Enable or disable TLS/SSL on the cluster. Other properties control activation of TLS/SSL for specific ports and features. | |
deployment.ssl.external | Extends TLS/SSL security to all external ports (default admin 21211, client 21212). | |
deployment.ssl.internal | Extends TLS/SSL security to the internal port (default 3021). | |
deployment.ssl.keystore.indirectPassword | - | |
deployment.ssl.keystore.password | Password for VoltDB keystore file | |
deployment.ssl.keystore.path | - | |
deployment.ssl.truststore.indirectPassword | - | |
deployment.ssl.truststore.password | Password for VoltDB truststore file | |
deployment.ssl.truststore.path | - | |
deployment.systemsettings.clockskew.interval | ✓ | Interval of the scheduled clock skew collection (minutes). 0 is allowed and it disables collection. Interval cannot be less than 0 and if set below such value it will be reset to default. |
deployment.systemsettings.compaction.interval | ✓ | Interval to indicate how often memory compaction should run (seconds) |
deployment.systemsettings.compaction.maxcount | ✓ | Set a target block count compaction should try and achieve if there is memory fragmentation |
deployment.systemsettings.elastic.duration | ✓ | Target value for the length of time each rebalance transaction will take (milliseconds) |
deployment.systemsettings.elastic.throughput | ✓ | Target value for rate of data processing by rebalance transactions (MB) |
deployment.systemsettings.flushinterval.dr.interval | ✓ | Interval for flushing DR data (milliseconds) |
deployment.systemsettings.flushinterval.export.interval | ✓ | Interval for flushing export data (milliseconds) |
deployment.systemsettings.flushinterval.minimum | ✓ | Interval between checking for need to flush (milliseconds) |
deployment.systemsettings.priorities.batchsize | Modifies priority scheduling algorithm to execute multiple requests before rescheduling | |
deployment.systemsettings.priorities.dr.priority | Priority for DR requests (1-8, 1 is highest priority) | |
deployment.systemsettings.priorities.enabled | Enables priority scheduling of requests by VoltDB cluster (true/false) | |
deployment.systemsettings.priorities.maxwait | Modifies priority scheduling by setting a limit on time waiting while higher priority requests execute (millisecs) | |
deployment.systemsettings.priorities.snapshot.priority | Priority for snapshot requests (1-8, 1 is highest priority) | |
deployment.systemsettings.procedure.copyparameters | ✓ | If set, mutable array parameters should be copied before processing |
deployment.systemsettings.procedure.loginfo | ✓ | Threshold for long-running task detection (milliseconds) |
deployment.systemsettings.query.timeout | ✓ | Timeout on SQL queries (milliseconds) |
deployment.systemsettings.resourcemonitor.disklimit.feature[].alert | ✓ | - |
deployment.systemsettings.resourcemonitor.disklimit.feature[].name | ✓ | - |
deployment.systemsettings.resourcemonitor.disklimit.feature[].size | ✓ | - |
deployment.systemsettings.resourcemonitor.frequency | ✓ | Interval between Resource Monitor resource checks (seconds) |
deployment.systemsettings.resourcemonitor.memorylimit.alert | ✓ | Alert level for memory use (in GB or as percentage) |
deployment.systemsettings.resourcemonitor.memorylimit.compact | ✓ | Enable memory compaction |
deployment.systemsettings.resourcemonitor.memorylimit.size | ✓ | Limit on memory use (in GB or as percentage) |
deployment.systemsettings.snapshot.autotune.enabled | ✓ | Autotuning for snapshot work (for beta test only, in 14.1.0) |
deployment.systemsettings.snapshot.priority | ✓ | Delay factor for snapshot work; larger values cause longer waits between bursts of execution. Ignored if systemsettings.priorities.enabled is true. |
deployment.systemsettings.temptables.maxsize | Limit the size of temporary database tables (MB) | |
deployment.task.maxfrequency | Task scheduling parameter | |
deployment.task.mininterval | Task scheduling parameter | | | Threadpool host size | |
deployment.task.threadpools.partition.size | Threadpool partition size | |
deployment.threadpools.pool[].name | ✓ | Thread pool name |
deployment.threadpools.pool[].size | ✓ | Thread pool size |[].name | ✓ | Name of the property |[].value | ✓ | Value of the property |
deployment.topics.enabled | ✓ | Kafka topics: enabled or not (supported since V11) |
deployment.topics.threadpool | ✓ | Kafka topics: threadpool to use |
deployment.topics.topic[].allow | ✓ | List of roles allowed to access the topic |
deployment.topics.topic[].format | ✓ | Format of topic message |
deployment.topics.topic[].name | ✓ | Topic name |
deployment.topics.topic[].opaque | ✓ | Is this an opaque topic? |
deployment.topics.topic[].priority | ✓ | Priority for topics requests (if priority scheduling is enabled) |
deployment.topics.topic[].procedure | ✓ | Procedure to invoke upon getting message |
deployment.topics.topic[].property[].name | ✓ | Name of the property |
deployment.topics.topic[].property[].value | ✓ | Value of the property |
deployment.topics.topic[].retention | ✓ | Topic retention policy |
deployment.users.user[].expires | ✓ | Expiration date for this user account |
deployment.users.user[].name | ✓ | A VoltDB user name |
deployment.users.user[].password | ✓ | User password |
deployment.users.user[].plaintext | ✓ | If false, password was pre-hashed |
deployment.users.user[].roles | ✓ | Comma-list of roles assigned to user |