B.8. Metrics Configuration Options


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B.8. Metrics Configuration Options

The following properties start and configure the VoltDB Prometheus agent, used for reporting metrics to the Prometheus server.

Table B.7. Options Starting with metrics...

.enabledCreate VoltDB metrics exporter agent to manage clustersfalse
.image.registryImage registrydocker.io
.image.repositoryImage repositoryvoltdb/voltdb-prometheus
.image.tagImage taglatest
.image.pullPolicyImage pull policyAlways
.userMetric service user id used to access VoltDB. This value and the password value must exist in VoltDB. Superseded by credSecretName when provided. Required when security is enabled in VoltDB.""
.passwordMetric service password used to access VoltDB. Superseded by credSecretName when provided. Required when security is enabled in VoltDB.""
.credSecretNameName of the premade secret containing metric username and password. This overrides user and password values.""
.sslTLS/SSL configuration settings for metrics.{ }
.ssl.enabledEnable TLS/SSL for access to VoltDB. This and the related SSL settings must match what is configured for VoltDB. Pre-made secrets take precedence over explicit truststore path and password.false
.ssl.truststore.fileTruststore file to mount at the truststore path (unless sslSecret is set)""
.ssl.truststore.passwordPassword for VoltDB truststore file (unless sslSecret is set)""
​.ssl​.sslSecret​.certSecretNamePre-made secret containing truststore data, optionally including password""
​.ssl​.sslSecret​.passwordSecretNamePre-made secret containing password for truststore, if not in secret certSecretName""
.portVoltDB API port, uses 21211 if not specified21211
.statsComma-separated list of stats to collect from the VoltDB database""
.skipstatsStats to ignore when collecting all stats, cannot be used in conjunction with stats""
.deltaIf 'true', collects 'delta' stats where available, rather than cumulative statsfalse
.resourcesCPU/Memory resource requests/limits{ }