B.9. Volt Management Center (VMC) Configuration Options


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B.9. Volt Management Center (VMC) Configuration Options

The following properties start and configure the web-based Volt Management Center auxiliary service.

Table B.8. Options Starting with vmc...

.enabledCreate VoltDB VMC Servicetrue
.image.registryImage registrydocker.io
.image.repositoryImage repositoryvoltdb/voltdb-vmc
.image.tagImage taglatest
.image.pullPolicyImage pull policyAlways
.service.credSecretNameName of the premade secret for vmc service""
.service.sslSSL configuration settings for vmc service.{ }
.service.ssl.enabledEnable SSL for VMC servicefalse
​.service​.ssl​.keystore​.fileContents of the keystore file for vmc service""
​.service​.ssl​.keystore​.passwordPassword for the keystore file for vmc service""
​.service​.ssl​.truststore​.fileContents of the trust store file for vmc service""
​.service​.ssl​.truststore​.passwordPassword for the trust store file for vmc service""
.voltdb.portVoltDB API port, uses 21212 if not specified21212
.voltdb.adminPortVoltDB API admin port, uses 21211 if not specified21211
.voltdb.credSecretNameName of the premade secret.""
.voltdb.sslSSL configuration settings for vmc to volt traffic{ }
.voltdb.ssl.enabledEnable SSL for VMCfalse
.voltdb.ssl.keystore.fileContents of the keystore file""
​.voltdb​.ssl​.keystore​.passwordPassword for the keystore file""
​.voltdb​.ssl​.truststore​.fileContents of the trust store file""
​.voltdb​.ssl​.truststore​.passwordPassword for the trust store file""
.resourcesCPU/Memory resource requests/limits{ }